Story-Telling Gala for Primary School 2015-2016

Jointly organized by the Hong Kong Teachers Drama Association, Hong Kong Creative Educators Organisation and Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School, the first “Story-telling Gala for Primary Schools 2015-16” gives participants a chance to revisit the classic and renowned Grimm’s fairy tales. The gala serves as a platform for participants to use English to act out the interesting stories in a genuine and engaged way. Participants are offered the chance to learn story-telling and presentation skills.
A. Story-telling gala for primary students

To enhance pupils’ confidence in using English.
To give pupils the opportunity to use English in an interesting, authentic and creative manner.
To enhance and improve listening and speaking skills.
To instill in pupils an interest in reading and writing in English.
Date: 23rd April, 2016 (Sat)
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12.00 noon
Venue: Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School (Yue Tin Court, Shatin)
Target: P4 – P6 students
Category: Solo
Maximum of participants per school: 4
Fee: Free
Stories to use
Cat and Mouse in Partnership (Grimm’s fairy tales) (download)
Rumpelstiltskin (Grimm’s fairy tales) (download)
The Frog King (Grimm’s fairy tales) (download)
Students will be judged on vocal expression, including quality of voice, pronunciation, articulation, intonation, pace, etc.
Students will be judged on visual expression including eye contact, gesture, posture, use of space, etc.
Participants can decide whether or not their use of music, costumes, props, etc. will enhance the quality of their performance.
No electronically produced sound effects are allowed.
The story must be delivered from memory and any movement is confined to the performance area (approximately 16 ft wide x 8 ft deep).
The audience is prohibited from giving any clues to the participants.
Microphones will NOT be available for participants.
The decision of the organizers on all matters arising from administrative issues and competitions, including the interpretation of the Rules and Guidelines, shall be final.
The length of each presentation is 5 minutes. A bell will be rung when the time is up. Every 10 seconds past the bell will reduce the total score (out of 100) as marks will be deducted.
Participants must use the materials provided. Otherwise, only comments will be given. Neither marks nor certificates will be awarded to him/her.
1. Certificate (for individual performance)
Certificate of Proficiency (Over 65 marks)
Certificate of Merit (Over 75 marks)
Certificate of Honour (Over 85 marks)
2. Trophy (for school overall performance)
First runner-up
Second runner-up
(Participants will receive mark sheets at the end of the event.)
B. Prize Presentation
Date: 23rd April, 2016
Time: 3:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Venue: Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School (School Hall)
C. Briefing Session
Date: 23rd January, 2016(Sat)
Time: 09:30a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Venue: Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School (Rm010)
Target: Primary school teachers

D. Training Workshops
Date: Part I - 23rd January, 2016 (Sat)*
Part II - 26th March, 2016 (Sat)*
Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Venue: Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School (Rm010)
Target: All participants of the Gala
Tutors: Professional English teachers and drama artists
Fee: Free
*Part I and Part II are different. Students are encouraged to join both.
School teachers must fill out the application form and lodge it in one of the ways below:
Post: Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School, Yue Tin Court, Shatin (Attn.: Story-telling Gala)
Fax: 3544 8304
Handbook ( Pdf )
Application Form ( Doc / Pdf )
Attendance List ( Pdf )
Reminders (for Gala and Prize Presentation) ( Pdf ) (NEW)
Group List for Competition ( Pdf ) (NEW)
Rubrics ( Pdf ) (NEW)
Participants should report to the officials at least 30 minutes before the start of the event.
All participants should sit inside the performing venue after the start of the event.
Participants can be accompanied by teachers and parents.
Teachers and parents are welcome to join the audience. However, seating priority in the performing venue will be given to the participants.
Practice is prohibited in the performing venue after the start of the event.
Anyone (including participants) who causes undue disturbance in the performing venue may be asked to leave the venue. If the person is a participant, s/he may only be given comments. Neither marks nor certificates will be awarded to him/her.
The use of electronic devices is prohibited in the performing venue.
The organizer will arrange photographers and video shooters for the event. Photo-taking and audio or video recording of any part of the performance is prohibited.
People attending the event should take care of their personal belongings. The organizers will not be responsible for any losses.
No parking spaces will be offered.
Anyone suffering from a contagious illness must not attend the event.
Adverse weather arrangements
The contingency plan in case of adverse weather on the performing day is as follows:
Tropical Cyclone Warning: If Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 is issued or still in force at 7:00 a.m. on 23rd April, 2016, the competition will be cancelled.
Red or Black Rainstorm Warning: If the Red or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued or still in force at 7:00 a.m. or afterwards on 23rd April, 2016, the competition will be cancelled.
Office: 2648 8291 (Ms Yip Ching Ching)
Mobile: 9629 7020 (Ms Wong Lai Ping)
Hong Kong Teachers Drama Association
Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School
Hong Kong Creative Educators Organisation
Dr Bickley, MBE, Chairman of the English Speaking Union
Dr Anne Ma, Senior Lecture, English Department, Hong Kong Institute of Education
Dr Teresa Ng, Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Hong Kong Institute of Education / Chairperson of Hong Kong Creative Educators Organization
Dr Jack Shu, Assistant Professor, School of Education and Languages, The Open University of Hong Kong
Dr Vinton Poon, Lecturer, Department of English Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University
Ms Kitty Kong, Education and Outreach Manager, Chung Ying Theatre Company
Working committee
Miss Cheung Wai Yan, English Teacher, Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School
Miss Cheung Yee Wah, English Teacher, Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School
Miss Ho Miu Yin Maureen, Head of English, TWGH Hok Shan School / Hong Kong Teachers Drama Association
Miss Ilona F. Pochwyt, Native English Teacher, Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School
Miss Poon Yin Fong Joyce, English Teacher, NLSI Peace Evangelical Secondary School / Hong Kong Teachers Drama Association
Dr Wong Lai Ping, Head of Arts Education, Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School / Chairperson of Hong Kong Teachers Drama Association
Miss Yip Ching Ching, English Teacher, Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School
Miss Yu Wai Kwan Silvia, Head of Teacher, P.L.K. Chong Kee Ting Primary School / Hong Kong Creative Educators Organization